Monday, December 20, 2010

I Quit (throwback)

Here is another blog I wrote one day after a long day of work back when I was still in corporate america... It's amazing how when pushed to a limit, you can find the power to speak things into existence. I guess I followed thru on my promises to myself.

Sanchez Dictionary~ I Quit- I am leaving this place and transcending to a higher state of being that was originally written in my destiny.

I am going to write my way out of Corporate America

I am going to draw my way out of Corporate America

I am going to think my way out of Corporate America

I am going to read, design, talk, educate, socialize, inspire,

and entertain my way out of corporate America

When it is Monday and your first thought is that I wish it was Friday

It is time to quit

When you paycheck never seems to equate to a weeks worth of slave time

It is time to quit

When our streets are in peril but all the worthy young men and women are too busy at work

It is time to quit

When the streets and corrupt media are raising our kids

It is time to quit

When the cost of living is rising higher than you paycheck

It is time to quit

When you find you’re self unhappy, at home writing a blog about how much you want to work your way out of corporate America…… It is time to quit!

So…… I Quit! From today on… I quit.

Cooperate America is just going to be my tool until those two sweet words flow off my lips and into the ears of those who have been trapped by the Ultimate Slave Master we affectionately call Corporate America!

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